Stop Type
Select the function that is to be executed when pressing the button on the call station:
This concsole signals (local actions) = stops only the types of actions that have been
launched from this specific call station
System signals = stops all selected types of actions system-wide, even if they have not been
launched from this specific call station
Stop Priority
Select the maximum priority for the signals that will be stopped when pressing the button on the
call station.
Active when
Selecting this checkbox allows the user to press the button even though the call station has been
Stop Signal Paging Pressing the button on the call station stops pagings.
Stop Signal Chime Pressing the button on the call station stops chimes.
Stop Signal Alarm Pressing the button on the call station stops alarms.
Stop Signal Text
Pressing the button on the call station stops signal texts.
Alarm key
A switch of the type "Alarm" allows starting an Alarm on the system.
Clicking onto the button „..." opens the Destinations Dialog for selecting desired Zones and/or
Select the alarm priority (0 to 100).
Trigger Type
Select the desired functionality for a button on a call station; available are:
Push (pushbutton)
Toggle (switches between two states)
Trigger (triggers a function)
PAVIRO | en 977
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
User Manual
2017.05 | 3.20 | F.01U.119.956