The N8000 provides the following types of conditions:
Digital Input
Analog Input
Master Fault
User Fault
Amplifier Status
The following section explains each type and the related parameters for each condition. Condition names can be
composed of maximally 10 characters.
Digital Input: Using the four control inputs of the Control Port as digital inputs is possible. The status of a control input
is Low (Open) when it is not connected to the reference voltage of 10 V. In case it is connected to a reference voltage
of 10 V, the status of a control input is High (Closed). 2.5 V marks the threshold between High and Low. The condition
has the same status as the selected control input.
The screenshot on the left represents the condition "Mute All", which monitors a switch of control input 2. The
conditions result equals true" as long as the normally open contact is closed, i.e. the control input 2 is connected to 10
Analog Input: The input voltage at the control input of the Control Port can be measured and the result can be
compared with upper and lower thresholds. The condition uses the result of this comparison. The conditions result is
true (or false when choosing Invert Condition instead), as long as the input voltage is within the specified voltage
The screenshot on the left shows the condition "IN2_OK" that monitors the voltage level of control input 2. This
example represents a case, when a control input is used as digital input. The status is defined in the voltage ranges of
0V...2V and 8V...10V only. On the other hand, if the input voltage is in the range of 2 volts and 8 volts, that is, if the
input voltage is in a voltage range that is not feasible for using the inputs as digital input, the condition is true which
results in error indication.
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
User Manual
2017.05 | 3.20 | F.01U.119.956