A remote amplifier's audio inputs support pilot-tone detection and evaluation. Using an
externally generated pilot-tone signal allows the monitoring of audio cables and analog input
stages. The threshold for 19 kHz pilot-tone evaluation is set to -40 dBu / 7.75 mV. The indicator
lights green when an external pilot-tone signal coming from mixer, matrix, controller, etc. is
detected. A missing pilot-tone signal or a drop in its level below the evaluation threshold
causes the indicator to change to red. Only mark the DETECT box next to the indicator when
an external pilot-tone signal actually exists and input monitoring has been configured.
This indicator is for amplifier monitoring via external pilot-tone signal. In that case, internal
pilot-tone generation needs to be switched off to avoid interference between the two signals.
Detection and evaluation is performed at the amplifier output. The indicator lights green when
a 19 kHz pilot-tone signal with a level of at least -14 dBu / 150mV is detected. A missing pilot-
tone signal or a drop in its level below -14 dBu (threshold) results in error detection. The
indicator changes to red.
CAUTION: The externally fed pilot-tone signal passes through the entire signal path of the
remote amplifier, i.e. the signal is influenced by filtering and x-over settings. When setting
the external pilot-tone generator's level, make sure to mind possible amplification/
attenuation applied by internal filters.
A RCM-26 remote amplifier is capable of detecting and indicating the operational state of other
RCM-26 amps within a CAN network. The addresses of all amps that are to be monitored are
entered in the ADDR field, e.g. 2-4,6,11. The FAULT field indicates the amp addresses for
which errors have been detected and the COLLECTED ERROR STATE has been activated (red).
The indicator changes to red as soon as at least one amplifier in the list shows erroneous
COLLECTED ERROR STATE is a collected fault message that combines all error types detected
for which the DETECT box had been mar- ked. The HOLD function allows keeping the
COLLECTED ERROR STATE for later evaluation while CLEAR clears the indication after
remedying the cause of the fault.
The COLLECTED ERROR STATE indication is identical to the indication in the Amplifier Status
column within the RCM-26 System Check Window.
RS-232 Protocol for RCM-26
The RS-232 port is located on the rear panel of RCM-26 remote power amps. It can be used as interface for the
connection of media control systems or facility management systems. RS-232 allows controlling and polling all
parameters. Communication is performed using an easy to implement ASCII protocol which allows easy integration of
remote amps in media and/or touch-panel applications. For programming notes and a complete description of the
protocol please refer to the following chapters.
The RS-232 interface of the RCM-26 remote power amps is permanently configured allowing full duplex operation. Set
values are:
Baud Rate
19200 bits per second
Data Bits
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
User Manual
2017.05 | 3.20 | F.01U.119.956