SLOPE sets the steepness or filter-order of low or high shelving
equalizers and low or high pass filters. Setting different slopes within
the transmission range is possible. That, in conjunction with the Q-
parameter, offers the possibility for a hi-pass filter to be programmed
for B6-alignment, which describes a drastic rise in the cut-off frequency
20 / 63 /
250 /
20 Hz...20
FREQ (frequency) sets the center frequency of a parametric EQ or the
cut-off frequency of shelving
1000 / 4000 / kHz
and Hi / Lo pass filters.
16000 Hz
Q defines the quality or bandwidth of a parametric EQ. A high Q-value
results in a narrowband filter,
while a small Q-value results in a broadband filter. The Q-value also sets
the quality and thus the res-
ponse of Hi, Lo and All pass filters with slopes of 12dB/oct.
0 dB
GAIN defines the amplification (increase) or attenuation (reduction) of
parametric EQs or low shelving and high shelving equalizers.
ORDER (only available with All pass filters) sets the desired filter order
of an All pass filter. A 1st order All pass filter rotates the phase by 180°,
a 2nd order All pass filter rotates the phase by 360°.
BYPASS switches the corresponding filter ON (not engaged) or OFF
(engaged), which allows for quick A / B-evaluation of the actual effect
that a filter has on the sound.
Filter Editing via Mouse Movement in the Graphics Display
A white dot in the frequency response display represents an active filter (BYPASS not engaged). Clicking with the left
mouse button on this dot and keeping the mouse button pressed down allows changing the selected filter’s frequency
by moving the mouse to the left or to the right as well as its gain or cut (depending on the selected filter type) by
moving the mouse up or down. Clicking with the right mouse button on the white dot and keeping the mouse button
pressed down allows changing the Q-values of parametric EQs.
For an improved overview the name of the corresponding filter band appears in color as soon as the mouse cursor is
positioned over its white dot. An additional white graph indicates the frequency response of the actually selected filter.
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
User Manual
2017.05 | 3.20 | F.01U.119.956