The MUTE button is for attenuating the output level of the corresponding amplifier output to -∞.
Clicking the MUTE button with the left mouse button mutes the corresponding amplifier output.
The MUTE button is virtually pressed and lights red. Clicking the MUTE button once again with
the left mouse button disables the mute-function and the amplifier output is again active. The
MUTE button is virtually disengaged and not lit.
The text field allows specifying a name for the corresponding output channel.
The output voltage of the output channel can be set to 50, 70 or 100 Volts. The configuration in
IRIS-Net must be identical to the hardware configuration of the amplifier, please refer to the
owner‘s manual for details.
For each output channel, the output relays A and B can be switched between the input signal of
the channel and the signal of the input X.
The text field allows specifying a name for the corresponding output relay.
Select the input signal to be used if the connection to the DPM is lost:
Normal Routing: The current setting (PREL. / DIRECT /AEC) will not be changed if the
connection is lost.
AEC Routing: For all output channels the signal of the AEC input will be used.
Select the preferred status of the output relay if the connection to the DPM is lost: OFF: Relays
ON: Relays closed
NC: Status of relays does not change
This provides a listing of the three control ports.
Select if the port should be used as control input (IN) or as control output (OUT).
In online mode the state of the port is indicated.
When used as control input:
ON: Input voltage below 5 Volt.
OFF: Input voltage above 10 Volt.
When used as control output:
ON: The output is closed to ground.
OFF: The output has high impedance.
The text field allows specifying a name for the control port.
Supervision & Test
The Supervision & Test Dialog integrates functions for testing and monitoring power amps. You have the option to
choose, which errors are combined and indicated in a general fault message.
PROMATRIX 8000 | en 822
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
User Manual
2017.05 | 3.20 | F.01U.119.956