1 to 10
The NUMBER parameter allows the user to specify the number of speaker
systems connected to the corresponding channel. Doubling the number of
speakers results in a level increase of 6 dB within the selected channel in the
DSP windows.
Clicking the LOAD button opens a dialog that allows the selection of the
desired speaker file.
Clicking the CLEAR button clears the previously loaded measured speaker
data of the selected channel.
The Load window provides access to all settings and functions for testing and monitoring the load connected to the
amplifier outputs.
The constantly measured output voltage and output current values of the Remote Power Amplifiers are indicated within
the Load window. As soon as the output voltage of the signal present exceeds 150 mV, the resulting load is calculated
and indicated. If the set thresholds are being exceeded or fallen short of, a corresponding message appears in the
Load display of the Amplifier Control Panel. This dialog box permits to independently set the upper and lower
thresholds for each power amp channel.
Within the Load window it is also possible to measure speaker impedance graphs and save them as references. The
frequency range (start frequency, stop frequency) and the generator level of the sine-sweep test signal that is
generated for this test can be adjusted. Specifying a tolerance field for the saved reference graphs is possible as well.
A fault message is displayed in the event that a measurement exceeds or falls short of the tolerance range during
system check.
HINT: The speaker impedance test is optimized for low impedance.
Graphic Display Indication
The switches "Show Loadplot A" and "Show Loadplot B"
turn the indication of the corresponding impedance
graphs ON or OFF.
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
User Manual
2017.05 | 3.20 | F.01U.119.956