Generic Channels
The system DMA has nine physical channels; each has the capability to gener-
ate interrupts. The DMA has seven interrupt lines, some of which are shared
by two physical channels. Each of these seven interrupt lines is routed as an
interrupt input on the MPU level2 interrupt handler.
For a physical channel, all the sources are ORed together to generate one
interrupt. When an interrupt is issued by a physical channel, its status register
(DMA_CSR) is set to record the interrupt cause. The processor interrupt
service routine (ISR) can read this channel status register to find the source
of the interrupt. The status bits are automatically cleared after they are read.
One read in the status register clears all the status bits.
Interrupt line 0 (MPU level2 IRQ19) is shared by channel 0 and 6.
Interrupt line 1 (MPU level2 IRQ20) is shared by channel 1 and 7.
Interrupt line 2 (MPU level2 IRQ21) is shared by channel 2 and 8.
Interrupt line 3 (MPU level2 IRQ22) is dedicated to channel 3.
Interrupt line 4 (MPU level2 IRQ23) is dedicated to channel 4.
Interrupt line 5 (MPU level2 IRQ24) is dedicated to channel 5.
Interrupt line 6 (MPU level2 IRQ25) is dedicated to the LCD channel.
If simultaneous events occur in two physical channels that share the same
interrupt line, only one interrupt is generated, and all the relevant status bits
are set.
Each physical channel has a 7-bit status register. When an interrupt is shared
by two physical channels, the MPU can read the status from the two channels
in one TIPB access. Figure 5–8 shows the data read format for two shared
physical channels.
Figure 5–8. Data Read Format—Two Shared Physical Channels
Physical channel 0
status register
Physical channel 6
status register
This unique status is accessible either at channel 6 DMA_CSR, or at channel
0 DMA_CSR. Any MPU read (at channel 0 DMA_CSR address or at channel
1 DMA_CSR address) clears all status for the two channels.
When an interrupt is dedicated to 1 physical channel, the MPU can read the
status from this channel in one TIPB access. Figure 5–9 shows the data read
format for one physical channels.