SPRUH82C – April 2013 – Revised September 2016
Copyright © 2013–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Universal Serial Bus 2.0 (USB) Controller
Another difference is that interrupt endpoints do not support PING flow control. This means that the
controller should never respond with a NYET handshake, only ACK/NAK/STALL. To ensure this, the
DISNYET bit in the PERI_RXCSR register (bit 12) should be set to disable the transmission of NYET
handshakes in high-speed mode.
Though DMA can be used with an interrupt OUT endpoint, it generally offers little benefit as interrupt
endpoints are usually expected to transfer all their data in a single packet. Isochronous Transactions Peripheral Mode: Isochronous IN Transactions
An Isochronous IN transaction is used to transfer periodic data from the function controller to the host.
The following optional features are available for use with a Tx endpoint used in Peripheral mode for
Isochronous IN transactions:
Double packet buffering: When enabled, up to two packets can be stored in the FIFO awaiting
transmission to the host. Double packet buffering is enabled by setting the DPB bit of TXFIFOSZ
register (bit 4).
Double packet buffering is generally advisable for Isochronous transactions in order to avoid
Underrun errors as described in later section.
DMA: If DMA is enabled for the endpoint, a DMA request will be generated whenever the endpoint is
able to accept another packet in its FIFO. This feature allows the DMA controller to load packets into
the FIFO without processor intervention.
However, this feature is not particularly useful with Isochronous endpoints because the packets
transferred are often not maximum packet size and the PERI_TXCSR register needs to be accessed
following every packet to check for Underrun errors.
When DMA is enabled and DMAMODE bit of PERI_TXCSR is set, endpoint interrupt will not be
generated for completion of packet transfer. Endpoint interrupt will be generated only in the error
conditions. Setup
In configuring a Tx endpoint for Isochronous IN transactions, the TXMAXP register must be written with
the maximum packet size (in bytes) for the endpoint. This value should be the same as the
wMaxPacketSize field of the Standard Endpoint Descriptor for the endpoint. In addition, the relevant
interrupt enable bit in the INTRTXE register should be set (if an interrupt is required for this endpoint) and
the PERI_TXCSR register should be set as shown in
Table 34-6. PERI_TXCSR Register Bit Configuration for Isochronous IN Transactions
Bit Position
Bit Field Name
Bit 14
Set to 1 to enable Isochronous transfer protocol.
Bit 13
Set to 1 to ensure the FIFO is enabled (only necessary if the FIFO is shared with an Rx
Bit 12
Set to 1 if DMA Requests have to be enabled.
Bit 11
Ignored in Isochronous mode.
Bit 10
Set to 1 when DMA is enabled.