SPRUH82C – April 2013 – Revised September 2016
Copyright © 2013–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Universal Serial Bus 2.0 (USB) Controller FIFO_ACCESS
The FIFO Access test mode allows you to test the operation of CPU Interface, the DMA controller (if
configured), and the RAM block by loading a packet of up to 64 bytes into the Endpoint 0 FIFO and then
reading it back out again. Endpoint 0 is used because it is a bidirectional endpoint that uses the same
area of RAM for its Tx and Rx FIFOs.
The core does not need to be connected to the USB bus to run this test. If it is connected,
then no session should be in progress when the test is run.
The test procedure is as follows:
1. Load a packet of up to 64 bytes into the Endpoint 0 Tx FIFO.
2. Set CSR0.TxPktRdy.
3. Write 40h to the TESTMODE register (FIFO_ACCESS = 1).
4. Unload the packet from the Endpoint Rx FIFO, again.
5. Set CSR0.ServicedRxPktRdy.
Writing 40h to the TESTMODE register causes the following sequence of events:
1. The Endpoint 0 CPU pointer (that records the number of bytes to be transmitted) is copied to the
Endpoint 0 USB pointer (that records the number of bytes received).
2. The Endpoint 0 CPU pointer is reset.
3. CSR0.TxPktRdy is cleared.
4. CSR0.RxPktRdy is set.
5. An Endpoint 0 interrupt is generated (if enabled).
The effect of these steps is to make the Endpoint 0 controller act as if the packet loaded into the Tx FIFO
has flushed and the same packet received over the USB. The data that was loaded in the Tx FIFO can
now be read out of the Rx FIFO. FORCE_HOST
The Force Host test mode enables you to instruct the core to operate in Host mode, regardless of whether
it is actually connected to any peripheral; that is, the state of the CID input and the LINESTATE and
HOSTDISCON signals are ignored. (While in this mode, the state of the HOSTDISCON signal can be read
from the BDEVICE bit in the device control register (DEVCTL).)
This mode, which is selected by writing 80h to the TESTMODE register (FORCE_HOST = 1), allows
implementation of the USB Test_Force_Enable (7.1.20). It can also be used for debugging PHY problems
in hardware.
While the FORCE_HOST bit remains set, the core enters the Host mode when the SESSION bit in
DEVCTL is set to 1 and remains in the Host mode until the SESSION bit is cleared to 0 even if a
connected device is disconnected during the session. The operating speed while in this mode is
determined by the FORCE_HS and FORCE_FS bits in the TESTMODE register.