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permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
- -> Use screwdriver to prise off caps at wiper arms -arrows- and slacken off hexagon nuts several turns.
- Detach wiper arms -1- from wiper shaft by tilting slightly.
- Completely unscrew hexagon nuts and detach wiper arms.
- Pull off rubber seal -2- of plenum chamber cover.
- Lift plenum chamber cover -3- such that washer fluid pipe can be disconnected.
- Unplug connector if fitted.
- Detach plenum chamber cover -3-.
- -> Use small screwdriver to press back retainer tab -arrow- and at the same time press gently against
connection piece.
- Press spray jet -A- outwards out of plenum chamber cover.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
Fluid hose must be heard to engage in spray jet connection.
- Set park position of wiper blades => Page
2.4 - Adjusting spray jets
Special tools and workshop equipment required
◆ Adjustment tool for wiper jet
3125 A fitted with needle 3125 / 5A
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
92 - Windscreen wipe and wash system