Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
permitted unless authorised by AUDI AG. AUDI AG does not guarantee or accept any liability
with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
- Insert new bulb in housing, taking care not to touch glass bulb with bare hands.
1.15 - Removing and installing headlight range control motor
• Preparation for motor removal => Page
- -> Release headlight range control motor: At right headlight by turning clockwise; at left headlight by turning
anti-clockwise -arrow-
- By tilting control motor, push ball end of positioning stem out of socket.
- Unplug connector.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
Control motor removal/installation and replacement are always to be followed by headlight adjustment =>
1.16 - Removing and installing gas-discharge lamp starter unit -N195
Attention: High voltage
Always disconnect battery earth strap before working on gas-discharge headlight components marked with
yellow high-voltage symbols.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
94 - Lights, Lamps, Switches - exterior