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- -> Pull holder -arrow- out of housing.
- Pull side light bulb out of holder.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
- Insert new bulb in holder, taking care not to touch glass bulb with bare hands.
- Press holder into reflector until it is felt to engage.
- Close housing cover.
1.14 - Replacing turn signal indicator bulb
- -> Release catch -1- at turn signal indicator housing with cross-head screwdriver -2- by giving 1/4 turn to
- Press down catch at rear of turn signal indicator housing slightly and at the same time slide turn signal
indicator housing to front -arrow- out of guide.
- -> Turn holder -arrow- anti-clockwise and pull out of housing.
- Screw bulb out of holder.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.13 - Replacing side light bulb (gas-discharge headlight)