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- -> Screw out hexagon bolt -1- at battery bracket -2-.
- Pull battery out of fastening strip of battery bracket.
- Lift battery out of engine compartment.
- Install battery => Page
1.6 - Installing battery
Batteries from the Audi parts range feature a base strip adapter for matching to different fastening strips.
When and how the base strip adapter is to be used is described in the battery operating instructions.
- -> Insert battery in battery carrier such that lug of battery carrier at rear -arrow- engages in recess in battery
base strip -1-.
- It should no longer be possible to move battery
- -> Battery has been properly inserted if centre recess in battery base strip coincides with tapped hole in
battery carrier -arrows-.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.5 - Removing battery - Audi S3