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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
- Detach connection socket from retaining plate.
- -> Unplug connector -2- for rear fog light cut-out contact switch -F216 and press connector -1- out of con‐
nection socket.
Install in reverse order.
6.3 - Terminal assignment at connection socket for towing hitch
1 - -> Terminal BL (left turn signal indicator)
2 - Terminal NSL (rear fog light)
3 - Terminal 31 (earth)
4 - Terminal BR (right turn signal indicator)
5 - Terminal 58 R (right taillight)
6 - Terminal 54 (brake light)
7- Terminal 58 L (left taillight)
8 - Terminal RF (reversing light)
9 - Terminal 30 a (b)
10 - Not used
11 - Not used
12 - Not used
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
96 - Lights, Lamps, Switches - interior