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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
- Install headlight range control motor => Page
- Install headlight => Page
2.17 - Installing repair set for headlight housing
◆ Broken-off headlight fasteners can be replaced by installing repair set, thus avoiding replacement of entire
◆ Different repair sets are available for left and right headlight.
=> Parts List
Sequence of operations
- Remove headlight with broken fastener => Page
- -> Remove remnants of broken-off fastener at location marked with arrow.
- Position fastener -1- of repair set at edge (arrow) of headlight housing and secure from rear with packing
plate and bolt -2-.
Tightening torque
Headlight to lock carrier
2.18 - Resetting headlights for driving on left/ right
When travelling in countries where the vehicle is to be driven on the other side of the road, both headlights
must be reset to prevent dazzling by the asymmetric dipped beam.
• Preparation for resetting headlights for driving on left/ right
=> Page
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
94 - Lights, Lamps, Switches - exterior