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Both sides (continued):
- Remove front bumper cover.
=> General Body Repairs, Exterior; Repair Group 63; Front Bumper Front Bumper
- -> Screw out bolts -arrow 1- and -arrow 2-.
- Guide long TORX socket wrench through recess -arrow 3- and screw out retaining bolt at bottom of headlight
If necessary, apply small quantity of body sealant to bolt to affix it to TORX wrench.
Vehicles with gas-discharge headlights:
- -> Release clip -arrow- and pull starter unit sideways out of mount.
All models:
- Take headlight to front out of body.
- Unplug connectors.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
◆ All cable ties unfastened or cut open on removal are to be re-attached in same position on installation.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
2.4 - Removing and installing headlights