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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
Vehicles with ESP:
- -> Move steering angle sender to centre position.
- Yellow dot must be visible in hole -arrow 1- and the two marks
-arrows- must be aligned
All models:
- Install driver's storage compartment.
=> General Body Repairs, Interior; Repair Group 68; Storage compartments/covers and trim panels; Removing
driver's storage compartment Storage compartments/covers and trim panels Removing driver's storage com‐
- Install steering wheel and airbag unit.
=> General Body Repairs, Interior; Repair Group 69
Vehicles with ESP:
- Start basic setting for steering angle sender -G85.
=> Running Gear, Self-diagnosis; Repair Group 01
- On vehicles with ABS/ESP Mark 60, perform ESP drive test.
=> Running Gear, Self-diagnosis; Repair Group 01
9.5 - Terminal assignment at steering column switch
Exploded view
A - -> Connection for wiper switch
B - Connection for driver information system and intermittent setting
C - Connection for cruise control system
D - Connection for turn-signal indicator switch
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
9.4 - Removing and installing steering column switch