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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
1 Housing
◆ Removing and installing
=> Page
2 Brake light/tail light bulb
◆ 12 V, 21/5 W
3 Reversing light bulb
◆ 12 V, 21 W
4 Nut, 4 Nm
5 Body
6 Bulb carrier
7 Rear fog light bulb
◆ 12 V, 21 W
8 Turn signal indicator bulb
◆ 12 V, 21 W
◆ As of Model Year 2001: Orange glass bulb
6.3 - Removing and installing rear light
- Open appropriate luggage compartment storage area.
- -> Unplug connector -1-.
- Unscrew nuts -2 ... 5-.
- Squeeze together retainer tabs -arrows- at bulb housing and pull rear light outwards off rear end of vehicle.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
Ensure tight seal between body and rear light housing.
Tightening torque
Rear light to body
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
94 - Lights, Lamps, Switches - exterior