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- -> Use flat screwdriver to press in retainer tab -2- and prise out luggage compartment light -1-.
- Unplug connector -3-.
- Take bulb on back of luggage compartment light out of holder.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
- Plug in connector.
- Insert luggage compartment light in opening and engage on opposite side.
3.12 - Removing and installing glove box light
◆ Bulb replacement involves removing glove box light.
◆ Bulb for glove box light: 12 V, 5 W
- -> Use flat screwdriver to press in retainer tab -1- and prise out glove box light -2-.
- Unplug connector -3-.
- Take bulb on back of glove box light out of holder.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
- Plug in connector.
- Insert glove box light in opening and engage on opposite side.
3.13 - Removing and installing make-up mirror light
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
3.11 - Removing and installing luggage compartment lights