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- From list -1- select diagnosis function "04 - Basic setting".
-> Display on VAS 5051:
1 - Enter display group
- Use keypad -2- to enter "001" for "Display group number 001" and confirm by touching Q key.
-> Display on VAS 5051:
1 - Basic setting
2 - Display group 1
3 - Wait
◆ Headlights are moved to adjustment position
- Wait until next display appears.
3 - Headlight adjustment
◆ Headlights are now in adjustment position
Basic setting 1 deactivates control mode and "Headlights not adjusted" is entered in fault memory.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.6 - Adjusting headlights (gas-discharge headlights)