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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
If this is not done, the plates become even harder and their ability to absorb charge is impaired, thus resulting
in a loss of power reserves.
Procedure for charging sulphated exhausted batteries
Sulphated exhausted batteries must be charged as follows using a low charging current:
- Approx. 5 % of battery capacity, i.e. for a 60 Ah battery, the charging current is approx. 3 A (amps).
Charge battery => Page
The charging voltage (Umax) must not exceed 14.4 V.
Rapid charging is never to be implemented on exhausted batteries.
2 - Removing and installing alternator
2.1 - Removing and installing alternator
◆ Disconnect battery earth strap before working on electrical system.
◆ On vehicles fitted with telematics system, activate telematics control-unit service mode before disconnecting
battery.=>Radio, Telephone, Navigation; Repair Group 91
- Heed (if necessary obtain) code for vehicles with encoded radio/radio navigation system (RNS).
- Disconnect battery earth strap with ignition switched off.
Action to be taken after re-connecting power supply => Page
2.2 - 1.6 l and 1.8 l engine
Special tools and workshop equipment required
◆ Mandrel T10060
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.13 - Charging battery