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All models:
Spare key is required for removal of lock cylinder as the following operations can only be performed with an
ignition key with a flat grip, i.e. no light and no remote control.
- -> Turn spare key to "ignition ON" position, thus aligning recess in trim -arrow- with hole in ignition lock.
Fig. shows correct lock position without ignition key.
- -> Insert steel wire or pin ( ø approx. 1.5 mm) in hole -1- as far as it will go, at the same time pulling lock
cylinder -2- with reader coil out of steering lock housing -3-.
If lock cylinder has to be replaced, always heed specifications for immobilizer reader coil replacement =>
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
- Insert spare key in lock cylinder and turn to "ignition on" position.
- -> Re-insert steel wire/pin -1- in hole on end face as far as it will go.
- Insert lock cylinder -2- with reader coil in steering lock housing -3-.
- Then pull out steel wire and firmly press in lock cylinder until catch is heard to engage.
- Plug in connector at immobilizer reader coil.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
10.2 - Removing and installing lock cylinder