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Dimensions indicate distance between wiper blades and cowl panel grille of plenum chamber at bottom edge
of windscreen.
- Tighten securing nuts for wiper arms to 16 Nm.
- Actuate flick wipe function.
- If necessary, align wiper arms again and tighten securing nuts.
1.4 - Eliminating wiper judder
Special tools and workshop equipment required
◆ Wiper adjustment tool 3358
Possible causes of wiper judder:
◆ Scratches on window
◆ Wiper rubber come loose or cracked
◆ Wiper arms/blades loose or bent
◆ Wax on wiper blades or blades warped
If none of the above are the cause of the "Wiper judder" problem, check and if necessary adjust contact angle
of wiper arms before replacing wiper blades.
Checking contact angle
- Switch wiper on and off and allow it to return to park position.
- Detach wiper blade.
- -> Insert wiper arm -2- in wiper arm adjustment tool 3358 and fix in position with lock screw -3-.
- Compare angle displayed to specification.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
92 - Windscreen wipe and wash system