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Terminal assignment for wiper switch -A-
1 - -> Terminal 53
2 - Terminal 31
3 - Terminal 53e
4 - Terminal 53c (vehicles up to 07.97 only)
5 - Rear wiper
6 - Terminal 53b
7 - Intermittent wipe
8 - Terminal 53a
Pin assignment for intermittent wiper control -E38 => Page
Terminal assignment for on-board computer -B- - vehicles up to 07.97
1 - -> On-board computer/switch rocker to right
2 - On-board computer/switch rocker to left
3 - Terminal 31
4 - On-board computer/reset
Terminal assignment for on-board computer -B- - vehicles as of 08.97
1 - -> Driver information system/switch rocker to right
2 - Driver information system/switch rocker to left
3 - Terminal 31
4 - Driver information system/reset
5 - Automatic intermittent wash/wipe relay -J31
6 - Terminal 31
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
94 - Lights, Lamps, Switches - exterior