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Exclusive use is to be made for wiring harness and connector repairs of repair set VAS 1978.
-> VAS 1978 is described in detail in the enclosed operating instructions.
The repairing of open circuits and defective connectors is also explained by way of examples.
2.3 - Repairing 0.22 mm2/ 0.35 mm2 wire
◆ The wiring harness repair set VAS 1978 contains three different repair wire cross-sections (0.5 mm2, 1.5
mm2, 4.0 mm2) and the appropriate crimp connectors.
◆ A 0.35 mm2 wire has to be repaired using a 0.5 mm2 repair wire.
◆ The repair procedure is as follows:
- -> Strip ends of 0.22 mm2/ 0.35 mm2 wire with stripping pliers VAS 1978/3 (approx. 12 ... 14 mm).
- Fold back half the stripped wire ends.
- Use stripping pliers to strip the ends of the 0.5 mm2 wire (approx. 6 ... 7 mm).
- -> Slip crimp connectors over ends of wires and crimp on both sides using crimping tool VAS 1978/1.
◆ Take care to select the correct red crimping insert VAS 1978/24 for 0.5 mm2.
◆ Take care not to crimp insulation of wire ends.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
97 - Wiring