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Sequence of operations
-> Adjusting screws at left headlight
The arrangement at the right headlight is a mirror image.
1 - Height adjustment screw
2 - Height/lateral adjustment screw
- To adjust height, give adjusting screws -1- and -2- the same number of turns.
- For lateral adjustment, only turn adjusting screw -2-.
1.6 - Adjusting headlights (gas-discharge headlights)
Special tools and workshop equipment required
◆ VAS 5051 with VAS 5051/1
On vehicles with gas-discharge headlights, fault memory must be interrogated and erased and basic setting
then performed prior to making any manual adjustments at the adjusting screws.
• Vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system VAS 5051 connected up; vehicle self-diagnosis and ve‐
hicle system "55 - Headlight range control" selected
Sequence of operations
-> Display on VAS 5051:
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
94 - Lights, Lamps, Switches - exterior