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◆ Puller T10130
Detaching wiper arms
- -> Use screwdriver to prise off caps at wiper arms -arrows- and unscrew hexagon nuts.
- Use puller T10130 to pull wiper arms -1- off wiper shaft and detach.
Removing wiper frame with linkage and wiper motor
- -> Pull off rubber seal -2- of plenum chamber cover.
- Lift plenum chamber cover -3- such that washer fluid pipe can be disconnected.
- Unplug connector if fitted.
- Detach plenum chamber cover -3-.
- -> Screw out bolts -1-.
- Carefully tip up -arrows- wiper frame -2- at front and unplug connector.
- Take wiper frame with linkage and wiper motor to left out of plenum chamber.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.2 - Removing and installing windscreen wiper system