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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
- Perform matching for all vehicle keys.
=> Electrical System, Self-diagnosis; Repair Group 01
2.3 - Replacing reader coil
◆ Reader coil is permanently connected to lock cylinder and cannot be replaced separately.
◆ Reader coil is to be replaced together with lock cylinder.
- Order new lock cylinder with vehicle-specific lock number via Regional Sales Centre or importer.
2.4 - Procedure for replacing lock set or dash panel insert
To guarantee subsequent identification of immobilizer, the following steps must always be performed on re‐
placing lock set or dash panel insert.
1. Lock set with 2-piece sticker
Stickers on key tag of new lock set provide identification of mechanical lock.
- -> Detach right sticker -2- (with bar code) from key ring of new lock set and dispose of it.
- Pull left sticker -1- (with no bar code) off new key ring and stick it onto customer's key ring in place of old
left sticker.
2. Immobilizer control unit integrated into dash panel insert
For security reasons, the immobilizer PIN is encoded. The encoded number (PIN = Personal Identification
Number) is made up of 7 digits.
The PIN can only be used with the vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system VAS 5051 as of basic
CD version V02.00.
The 7-digit PIN must be obtained by way of the appropriate Regional Sales Centre/importer on the basis of the
14-position immobilizer/engine control unit identification number.
The PIN is only valid for one day, after which a new number has to be requested. The PIN is of no use to the
customer or other dealerships.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
2.2 - Defective transponder and/or loss of key