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- Remove B-pillar trim.
=> General Body Repairs, Interior; Repair Group 70; Trim; Removing and installing B-pillar trim Trim Removing
and installing B-pillar trim
- Unplug connector.
- -> Unscrew ultrasonic sensor -1- from B-pillar trim -arrows-.
Install in reverse order.
13.3 - Removing and installing interior monitor control unit
Fitting location: Interior monitor control unit is located at rear left of luggage compartment.
- Open left luggage compartment storage area.
- -> Screw out bolts -3- and detach interior monitor control unit -1-.
2 - Speed nut
Install in reverse order.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
13.2 - Removing and installing ultrasonic sensors for interior monitor