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The result of the load test is the minimum voltage for battery capacity concerned.
The load current and minimum voltage differ depending on battery capacity.
Capacity Cold discharge
test current
Load current
44 Ah
220 A
200 A
9.4 V
60 Ah
280 A
200 A
9.4 V
70 Ah
340 A
200 A
9.5 V
80 Ah
380 A
300 A
9.5 V
- Replace battery if minimum voltage is not reached.
Explanatory notes on battery load test:
The battery voltage drops due to the heavy load on the battery during this test (flow of high current).
If the battery is OK, the voltage will only drop to the minimum voltage level.
If the battery is defective or only weakly charged, the battery voltage will drop very quickly to below the minimum
voltage level stated.
This low voltage level is maintained for a lengthy period after testing and only increases again slowly.
1.13 - Charging battery
Special tools and workshop equipment required
◆ Battery charger
The battery should be charged using a V.A.G battery charger, e.g. V.A.G 1471, V.A.G 1648 or VAS 1974.
The battery caps must always be firmly screwed on for charging, voltage measurement and load measurement.
Avoid naked flames and never smoke in rooms used for charging batteries as the battery forms gas which is
readily flammable during the charging process.
◆ The battery temperature must be at least 10 °C.
◆ Rapid charging of batteries should only be performed in exceptional circumstances (e.g. boost starting) as
rapid charging causes damage.
◆ If rapid charging is performed on exhausted batteries, they fail to absorb any charging current or register as
being fully charged prematurely due to so-called surface charging. They appear to be OK.
Sequence of operations
- Switch off battery charger.
On vehicles fitted with telematics system, activate telematics control-unit service mode before disconnecting
battery.=>Radio, Telephone, Navigation; Repair Group 91
- Heed (if necessary obtain) code for vehicles with encoded radio/radio navigation system (RNS).
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
1.12 - Measuring voltage under load