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Green 32-pin connector
1 - -> Door contact (all doors)
2 - Transponder 1
3 - Not used
4 - Not used
5 - W-wire
6 - Tailgate/boot lid
7 - Right turn signal indicator
8 - External buzzer
9 - External gong
10 - Airbag
11 - Standing time output
12 - Terminal 61
13 - Parking brake/BRAKE
14 - CHECK
15 - Oil level/oil temperature
16 - Not used
17 - -> Transponder 2
18 - CAN high speed (drive) (high +)
19 - CAN high speed (drive) (low -)
20 - CAN high speed (drive) (screen)
21 - ABS
22 - CAN low speed (convenience) (high +)
23 - CAN low speed (convenience) (low -)
24 - CAN low speed (convenience) (screen)
25 - Bonnet
26 - Filler neck compartment lid
27 - Belt buckle
28 - K-wire
29 - Ambient temperature input
30 - Not used
31 - Selector lever position display
32 - Not used
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
90 - Gauges, Instruments