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- -> After crimping, shrink down crimp connector using hot-air blower VAS 1978/14 and attachment VAS
Crimp connector must be heated working outwards from centre until it is completely sealed and adhesive
Set hot-air blower to appropriate temperature as indicated in operating instructions.
When shrinking-down take care not to damage any other wires, plastic parts or insulating material with hot
- If repair wire was previously wrapped, yellow insulating tape must again be wound around this point; re-
attach wire with a cable tie if necessary.
2.4 - Safety precautions for wiring harness and connector repair
Disconnect battery earth strap before working on electrical system.
Before commencing repair work, always eliminate cause of damage, e.g. sharp body edges, defective loads,
Wires forming part of airbag system and screened wires, such as speed and knock sensor wires, are never to
be repaired.
Further information, relating for example to the removal and installation of individual components, can be found
in the appropriate Workshop Manual.
Exclusive use is to be made of yellow wires for wiring harness repairs.
Each yellow wire and every location on the wiring harness wrapped with yellow insulating tape is a sign of a
previous repair.
On completion of repair work, always check operation, interrogate fault memory if necessary and set systems
to basic setting.
2.5 - Replacing aerial wires
Aerial wires cannot be repaired. They are to be replaced as a complete set. Service replacement of individual
connectors is also not envisaged.
Connectors are to be cut off old defective aerial wire, leaving the actual wire in the vehicle wiring harness.
Adapters for all applicable aerial connectors can be obtained for use when replacing aerial wires. Connection
pieces of different lengths make it possible to retrofit all aerial wires used in the vehicle.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
2.3 - Repairing 0.22 mm2/ 0.35 mm2 wire