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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
The PIN is of no use to the customer or other dealerships.
- Establish PIN.
=> Electrical System, Self-diagnosis; Repair Group 01
2.5 - System test
Following successful login, immobilizer is always released for 10 minutes, i.e. it is not appropriate to test system
or check operation during this period.
- Switch off ignition for at least 5 minutes.
- Cover reader coil with a slotted metal plate, for example by positioning appropriate shim on ignition lock and
inserting ignition key through hole into ignition lock.
- Disconnect reader coil wire at connector between ignition/starter switch and dash panel insert.
- Start engine.
Engine must not run and warning lamp must flash.
- Start immobilizer self-diagnosis and interrogate fault memory.
=> Electrical System, Self-diagnosis; Repair Group 01
One of the two following fault messages appears on the display.
◆ Key signal too low
◆ Immobilizer reading coil -D2
- Erase fault memory and end output.
3 - Servicing interior lights
3.1 - Servicing interior lights
◆ Disconnect battery earth strap before working on electrical system.
◆ On vehicles fitted with telematics system, activate telematics control-unit service mode before disconnecting
battery.=>Radio, Telephone, Navigation; Repair Group 91
- Heed (if necessary obtain) code for vehicles with encoded radio/radio navigation system (RNS).
- Disconnect battery earth strap with ignition switched off.
Action to be taken after re-connecting power supply => Page
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
96 - Lights, Lamps, Switches - interior