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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
◆ Always use distilled water for topping up to prevent electrolyte contamination which results in increased self-
- Screw battery cell caps back in again => Page
(batteries with central gas venting system).
Electrolyte level too high
If the electrolyte level is too high, escaping electrolyte (mixture of sulphuric acid and water) will cause damage
outside the battery, e.g. on components in the engine compartment.
- -> If electrolyte level is too high (overfilled), i.e. if level is above inner electrolyte mark (plastic web) or above
outer max. mark, excess electrolyte must always be drawn off using a commercially available hydrometer.
- Use hydrometer to draw off sulphuric acid until electrolyte level reaches plastic web/max. mark.
- Screw battery cell caps back in again => Page
(batteries with central gas venting system).
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
27 - Starter, Current supply