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- Colourless or yellow ⇒Critical electrolyte level reached; topping up with distilled water essential
If a battery is more than 5 years old and the indicator of the magic eye is colourless, the battery is to be replaced
with a new one.
Test sequence
◆ Air bubbles may form under the magic eye, particularly if a battery has been re-charged, i.e. even if the
battery has been charged whilst driving. These air bubbles falsify the colour indicator of the magic eye.
◆ If batteries are fitted with caps for production reasons, these are covered with plastic sheeting.
- Before performing visual inspection, tap gently and carefully on magic eye with the handle of a screwdriver.
- This disperses the air bubbles
- Observe colour of "magic eye" indicator.
1.8 - Visual inspection
The battery caps must always be firmly screwed on for charging, voltage measurement and load measurement.
Visually inspect battery before performing measurements, e.g. no-load voltage, specific gravity of electrolyte
or battery load test.
Such inspection is designed to establish:
◆ Whether battery casing is damaged.
A damaged casing can result in electrolyte leakage.
◆ Whether battery posts (battery connections) are damaged.
Proper contact of connections is not ensured if battery posts are damaged. This may then result in cable
burn-out and electrical system malfunctions.
1.9 - Checking electrolyte level
Always heed accident prevention regulations when handling electrolyte.
Always wear suitable protective clothing.
Only use torch to illuminate inside of battery casing.
Never illuminate inside of battery casing with a naked flame.
Keep naked flames and burning cigarettes away from batteries.
When disposing of batteries, always pay attention to the appropriate regulations for batteries and sulphuric
To ensure that the various battery cover systems do not leak, only screw genuine battery caps into battery
openings. In the event of loss or damage, make exclusive use of genuine caps of the same type.
The caps must be fitted with an O-ring seal.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
27 - Starter, Current supply