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-> Display on VAS 5051:
- From list -1- select diagnosis function "06 - End of output".
2.7 - Preparation for headlight bulb replacement/replacement of headlight range control
Depending on engine version and equipment, headlight bulbs, turn signal indicator bulb and headlight range
control motor may be difficult to reach.
It may therefore also be necessary to remove battery => Page
2.8 - Replacing dipped beam bulb (halogen headlight)
• Preparation for bulb replacement => Page
- Detach cover from headlight housing.
- -> Unplug connector -1- at dipped beam bulb.
- Disengage spring clip -2- and take bulb -3- out of housing.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
- Insert new bulb in housing, taking care not to touch glass bulb with bare hands.
- Secure bulb with spring clip.
- Re-attach connectors and close housing cover.
2.9 - Replacing main beam bulb (halogen headlight)
• Preparation for bulb replacement => Page
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
94 - Lights, Lamps, Switches - exterior