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7.2 - Removing and installing high-level brake light
- Remove upper tailgate trim.
=> General Body Repairs, Interior; Repair Group 70
- -> Screw out bolt -4-.
- Slide high-level brake light to right and disengage retainer tab -7- from panel opening.
- Detach high-level brake light.
- Unplug connector -6-.
- Release fasteners and detach lens -3- with outer glass from bulb holder -2-.
- Pull brake-light bulbs -5- (12 V, 2.3 W) out of bulb holder.
1 - Expanding rivet
Install in reverse order.
8 - Servicing number plate light
8.1 - Servicing number plate light
◆ Disconnect battery earth strap before working on electrical system.
◆ On vehicles fitted with telematics system, activate telematics control-unit service mode before disconnecting
battery.=>Radio, Telephone, Navigation; Repair Group 91
- Heed (if necessary obtain) code for vehicles with encoded radio/radio navigation system (RNS).
- Disconnect battery earth strap with ignition switched off.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
94 - Lights, Lamps, Switches - exterior