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Black, 4-pin connector for radio clock
1 - -> Radio clock signal (data)
2 - Radio clock 5V
3 - Not used
4 - Radio clock earth
2.6 - Terminal assignment at coolant temperature sender -G2
Coolant temperature sender is located at thermostat connection.
- -> Carefully release 4-pin connector -arrow- and unplug.
Fig. shows vehicle with 1.8 l turbo engine.
Assignment of 4-pin connector at coolant temperature sender
1 - Wiring between coolant temperature sender and dash panel insert (temperature gauge)
2 - Earth
2.7 - Radio clock
Aerial symbol at top left of clock display indicates that vehicle is fitted with radio clock.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
90 - Gauges, Instruments