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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
- Lay bare battery posts => Page
- -> Disconnect battery earth strap with ignition switched off. To do so, unfasten nut -arrow 1-.
- Take voltage measurement between terminals.
- Battery is OK if reading on measuring instrument is 12.7 V or more
- Battery no-load voltage must never drop below 12.7 V; if it does, battery is to be re-charged immediately
=> Page
- Repeat voltage measurement between terminals.
- Battery no-load voltage must not drop below a value of 12.7 V
- Replace battery if no-load voltage is not OK.
Install in reverse order, paying attention to the following:
- Connect battery. Action to be taken => Page
1.11 - Checking specific gravity of electrolyte of all cells
Special tools and workshop equipment required
◆ Commercially available hydrometer
Always pay attention to accident prevention regulations when handling electrolyte. Appropriate protective
clothing must be worn.
When disposing of batteries, always pay attention to the appropriate regulations for batteries and sulphuric
◆ In conjunction with the battery load test, testing of the specific gravity of the electrolyte provides information
on the condition of the battery.
◆ The temperature of the electrolyte must be at least 10°C.
◆ Specific gravity of electrolyte can be checked immediately after charging battery.
Audi A3 1997 ➤
Electrical system - Edition 10.2003
27 - Starter, Current supply