K465i Operations and Maintenance
P/N 1212831 Rev C
Page 5-64
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Procedure 5-10: Viewport Assembly
1. Place the Viewport Adapter on a clean room safe cardboard, making sure that the surface is
completely free of particles that might scratch the bottom of the Viewport Adapter.
2. Wipe all o-rings to be used with Tex-wipe and alcohol and when dry, apply a very thin coat of Fomblin.
3. Install the 2 O-rings into the Viewport grooves, making sure that the seams of the o-rings are
positioned to the sides of the grooves and not on the top surface as it might affect the seal quality and
present a risk for leaks.
4. Place a Viewport Glass in each pocket of the Viewport Adapter.
5. Place Viewport Cover upside down on a clean room safe cardboard, then insert the 2 o-rings and then
the single o-ring. Make sure to position the seams of the o-rings to the side so as not to present any
potential leak paths.
Figure 5-58. Viewport Cover
6. Lift the Viewport Cover and then place the Viewport Cover down onto the Viewport Adapter, taking
care to match the angles between the two. Then secure the Cover to the Adaptor using 16 pcs. of #8-
32 x5/8” Silver plated SHCS using a torque wrench set at 55 in-lbs. Follow the installation sequence