Multifors 2 - Parallel Bench-top Bioreactor
Setup and Function
28 March 2018
The illustration on the left shows the lower section of a ring sparger
along with the drive shaft with magnets and the impeller used in a
vessel for cell cultures.
Details of the drive shaft and stirrer are given in chapter "Drive and
The illustration on the left shows the lower section of a ring sparger
along with the drive shaft and location bearing, magnets, centring
plate, etc. for a 1400 mL vessel for bacterial cultures.
Details of the drive shaft and stirrer are given in chapter "Drive and
The sparger is mounted in the respective port in the vessel top
plate using a clamping adapter for 10 mm ports. The sparger can
be adjusted to the desired height by loosening the screw on the
clamping adapter.
The illustration on the left shows the upper section of an sparger
with mounted clamping adapter.