Multifors 2 - Parallel Bench-top Bioreactor
Setup and Function
28 March 2018
Practical tips for the use of the Super Safe Sampler
Sterility of the culture vessel is ensured at all times without the pos-
sible measures mentioned below.
The use of a sterile syringe and sterile caps is only necessary if the
sample has to be processed under sterile conditions.
For sampling, the same non-sterile syringe can be used repeat-
edly, without fear of contamination of the culture vessel
Possible measures:
For each sample, use a new, sterile syringe with Luer Lock fitting,
in order to ensure the sterility of the sample.
Sterile syringes are consumables and therefore not included in the
set. Different sizes can be used depending on the application:
Luer-Lock syringes from 1 up to 60 mL volume are available from
laboratory suppliers.
The use of a syringe with Luer push-fit is also pos-
sible. However, a syringe with a Luer lock prevents
unwanted movement of the syringe.
After autoclaving and each sampling, immediately close the sam-
ple valve and the syringe with a sterile, female Luer Lock Cap
(Dead End Cap) to keep the valve and the sample sterile.
The caps are not included in the kit. Very convenient to use are so-
called combi-caps that fit on male and female connectors alike.
Caps that are vented and made of steam sterilisable material can
also be fitted during sterilisation.
Danger of loss of property due to not steam
sterilisable parts!
When using ordinary caps, which are not vented
and consist of material that is not steam sterilisa-
ble, the sample system can be damaged during
– When using caps during sterilisation ensure
they are vented and steam sterilisable; other-
wise fit them after sterilisation only.