Multifors 2 - Parallel Bench-top Bioreactor
28 March 2018
8.3.1 Harvest
Danger for the environment caused by mishan-
Mishandling environmentally hazardous sub-
stances, especially incorrect disposing, may cause
severe damage to the environment.
– Dispose of or re-use biological dangerous or-
ganisms according to the local regulations and
current protocols in use in the laboratory.
– Immediately take appropriate action should en-
vironmentally hazardous substances be re-
leased into the environment accidentally. Inform
the responsible local authority, if in doubt
The content of the vessel must be emptied after fermentation i.e.
the cultivated organisms are harvested.
If the organisms are to be used further, e.g. as an inoculation cul-
ture for a larger bioreactor, harvesting should be carried out as
soon as possible after fermentation is complete and before the cul-
ture liquid has cooled. To prevent possible sedimentation from the
culture liquid, the stirrer function can be switched on during har-
vesting. However, all other parameters must be switched off.
Organisms that will not be used further must be inactivated accord-
ing to the current in-house instructions (e.g. by increasing the tem-
perature or lowering the pH value), and subsequently disposed of
in an environmentally sound manner according to the local regula-
There are a number of options to empty the vessel and/or harvest
the cultivated organisms:
1) Transfer to another vessel
The contents of the vessel can be filled into another vessel
under a laminar flow hood.
2) Pumping out
Connect the sampling hose to a sterile transfer hose under
sterile conditions and then connect it to one of the peristaltic
pumps or an external pump. Subsequently, pump the contents
of the vessel into a pre-prepared sterile vessel. The use of a
harvest tube is recommended for viscous organisms. In this
case, pump out the contents of the vessel via the harvesting