Multifors 2 - Parallel Bench-top Bioreactor
28 March 2018
2.2 Requirements for Qualified Personnel
Risk of injury when used by anyone inade-
quately qualified!
Inappropriate use of the equipment may lead to se-
rious physical injury and material damage.
– All operations must be executed by qualified
personnel only.
The following qualifications for different operations are listed in the
operating manual:
Qualified electrician
is capable of carrying out work on electrical systems, identifying
and avoiding possible hazards independently due to their profes-
sional standing, experience, skills and knowledge of relevant
standards and regulations.
The qualified electrician is familiar with the site on which they are
operating and knows the relevant standards and regulations.
Qualified personnel
are capable of carrying out the assigned work, identifying and
avoiding possible hazards independently due to their professional
standing, experience, skills and knowledge of relevant standards
and regulations.
Qualified personnel in biology, biotechnology or chemical en-
are capable of carrying out work in the field of biology, biotechnol-
ogy or chemical engineering alongside the chemical or biological
process chain due to their professional standing, experience, skills
and knowledge of relevant standards and regulations.
This includes regulations concerning health and environmental pro-
tection, safety at work, plant safety and taking quality management
into account at work. They are capable of identifying and avoiding
possible hazards independently. The qualified personnel in biology,
biotechnology or chemical engineering are familiar with the site on
which they are operating and know the relevant standards and reg-