Multifors 2 - Parallel Bench-top Bioreactor
Setup and Function
28 March 2018
4.6.3 Exit Gas and Exit Gas Cooler
The exit gas leaves the culture vessel via the thermodynamic exit
gas cooler in which the entrained moisture condenses and flows
back into the culture vessel.
The exit gas cooler has the following functions:
Water evaporates from the culture medium depending on the
gassing rate and the working temperature. The exit gas cooler
reduces this loss of water as much as possible.
Humidity increases resistance in the exit gas filter. The exit
gas cooler dries the exit gas due to condensation and pre-
vents humidity in the exit gas filter.
The exit gas cooler is delivered ready assembled:
1 Disposable filter (with green marking)
2 Pressure hose
3 Non-adjustable hose clamp
4 Adjustable hose clamp
A piece of pressure hose is attached to the air outlet (exit gas) with
a non-adjustable hose clamp. A disposable filter (with green mark-
ing) is attached to the pressure hose using an adjustable hose
clamp. The water feed and return are each equipped with a pres-
sure hose and a coupling nipple so that they can be connected di-
rectly to the basic unit. The basic unit supplies coolant to the exit
gas cooler. The coolant flow rate can be manually adjusted using
the control valve on the basic unit; see chapter "Connecting the
Exit Gas Cooler."
The exit gas cooler is directly mounted onto one of the 12 mm
ports in the vessel top plate.