Multifors 2 - Parallel Bench-top Bioreactor
Preparations for Use
28 March 2018
7.4.9 Connecting the Exit Gas Cooler
Water evaporates from the culture medium depending on the gas-
sing rate and the working temperature. The exit gas cooler reduces
this loss of water as much as possible.
Humidity increases resistance in the exit gas filter. The exit gas
cooler dries the exit gas due to condensation and prevents humid-
ity in the exit gas filter.
Danger of explosion!
Not safely diverting exit air supplemented with oxy-
gen carries a risk of explosion. This may lead to se-
vere injury and loss of property.
– Ensure safe routing of the exit air.
Risk of overpressure in the vessel during fer-
Pressure equalisation during fermentation is not
possible with a blocked exit gas line due to kinking
or clamping off or a blocked exit gas filter. This may
lead to overpressure in the vessel, which can
cause severe injuries or loss of property!
– Ensure the exit gas line is open.
– Ensure the exit gas line is not kinked.
– Ensure the exit gas filter will serve as a prede-
termined breaking point if necessary.
To connect the exit gas cooler to the basic unit, proceed as follows:
Remove the aluminium foil from the exit gas filter.