Multifors 2 - Parallel Bench-top Bioreactor
Preparations for Use
28 March 2018
Electric current
Danger of fatal electric shock!
There may be fatal danger by touching compo-
nents connected to a mains power supply (single or
3-phase). Damage to insulation or components
may have fatal consequences!
– Immediately turn off the electrical supply when
the insulation is damaged and initiate a repair.
– Only qualified electricians are allowed to make
these repairs on the electrical system.
– Disconnect electrical components from the
mains supply and check whether it is electrically
isolated before making any repairs.
– Turn off the electrical supply and lock off any
isolation switch before commencing mainte-
nance, cleaning or repairing.
– Do not bypass fuses or take them out of opera-
tion. Adhere to the correct rates (in Amps) when
replacing fuses.
– Keep components which are electrically pow-
ered away from humidity, as excessive moisture
may lead to short circuit.
– Do not expose equipment to inappropriate envi-
ronmental temperatures outside the stated op-
erating range.
– Never open the housing covers of the basic unit
and control unit when the electrical supply is
turned on.
The following chapters give detailed descriptions of all the prepara-
tory work before starting fermentation/cultivation processes. This
essentially comprises:
Preparations before sterilisation in the autoclave:
Checking gaskets (O-rings) on component parts and the
vessel. Filling the vessel
Mounting component parts
Preparing sensors and other accessories
Sterilisation in the autoclave:
General information on sterilisation in the autoclave
Preparations after sterilisation:
Connecting cables and hoses between the vessel and
the equipment
Preparing sensors and other accessories