Multifors 2 - Parallel Bench-top Bioreactor
28 March 2018
8.2.2 Inoculation
There are different possible methods of inoculation:
Concentrated in a small volume, with the syringe via the sep-
tum into the vessel.
With the inoculation needle via the septum with collar into the
Directly via the inlet port without septum under a laminar flow
The implements for inoculation with syringe are standard equip-
ment accessories. The direct injection of the inoculum via the sep-
tum is particularly suitable for small vessel sizes like these of the
present equipment.
Inoculation with the inoculation needle via the sep-
tum is not suitable for this bioreactor type. There is
a high risk that the flame of the Bunsen burner may
damage sensor cables or hoses, which are very
close to the septum to burn.
As a fourth possibility and to achieve a high level sterile security, a
silicone tube with sterile coupling can be mounted to the top plate.
The sterile coupling is opened over an open flame in this case.
The inoculation method with the syringe is described in the follow-
Preparations for inoculation
Ensure before inoculation that:
The reagent bottles are connected to the vessel via the pumps
and sufficiently filled with corrective reagent / feed solution for
the duration of the fermentation
Correct operating temperature has been reached
Correct stirrer speed is set,
control is set correctly (maybe not active yet)
Setpoint of pH is set and parameter is switched on
Liquid loss in the culture medium due to sterilisation is made
Heat labile supplements are added, e.g. glucose solution
The pumps are primed
The container with inoculum and the syringe are ready for use