PHASE OV1 DPO B.....................................Asserted when phase B of the phase overvoltage 1 element
drops out.
PHASE OV1 DPO C.....................................Asserted when phase C of the phase overvoltage 1 element
drops out.
PHASE OV1 OP.............................................Asserted when at least one phase of the phase overvoltage 1
element operates.
PHASE OV1 OP A.........................................Asserted when phase A of the phase overvoltage 1 element
PHASE OV1 OP B.........................................Asserted when phase B of the phase overvoltage 1 element
PHASE OV1 OP C.........................................Asserted when phase C of the phase overvoltage 1 element
PHASE OV1 PKP...........................................Asserted when at least one phase of the phase overvoltage 1
element picks up.
PHASE OV1 PKP A ......................................Asserted when phase A of the phase overvoltage 1 element
picks up.
PHASE OV1 PKP B ......................................Asserted when phase B of the phase overvoltage 1 element
picks up.
PHASE OV1 PKP C ......................................Asserted when phase C of the phase overvoltage 1 element
picks up.
....................................................Same set of operands as shown above for the phase
overvoltage 2 element.
Phase select operands
PHASE SELECT 3P.......................................Asserted when a three-phase symmetrical fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT AB ......................................Asserted when a phase A to B fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT ABG...................................Asserted when a phase A to B to ground fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT AG......................................Asserted when a phase A to ground fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT BC ......................................Asserted when a phase B to C fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT BCG...................................Asserted when a phase B to C to ground fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT BG......................................Asserted when a phase B to ground fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT CA ......................................Asserted when a phase C to A fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT CAG...................................Asserted when a phase C to A to ground fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT CG......................................Asserted when a phase C to ground fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT MULTI-P...........................Asserted when a multi-phase fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT SLG....................................Asserted when a single line to ground fault is detected.
PHASE SELECT VOID..................................Asserted when the fault type cannot be detected.
Phase time overcurrent operands
PHASE TOC1 DPO.......................................Asserted when at least one phase of the phase time
overcurrent 1 element drops out.
PHASE TOC1 DPO A...................................Asserted when phase A of the phase time overcurrent 1
element drops out.
PHASE TOC1 DPO B...................................Asserted when phase B of the phase time overcurrent 1
element drops out.
PHASE TOC1 DPO C...................................Asserted when phase C of the phase time overcurrent 1
element drops out.
PHASE TOC1 OP..........................................Asserted when at least one phase of the phase time
overcurrent 1 element operates.
PHASE TOC1 OP A......................................Asserted when phase A of the phase time overcurrent 1
element operates.