Auxiliary undervoltage operands
AUX UV1 DPO...............................................Asserted when the auxiliary undervoltage element drops out.
AUX UV1 OP..................................................Asserted when the auxiliary undervoltage element operates.
AUX UV1 PKP................................................Asserted when the auxiliary undervoltage element picks up.
Breaker configuration operands
BKR1 ANY POLE OPEN .............................Asserted when at least one pole of breaker 1 is open.
BKR1 BAD STATE.........................................Asserted when the normally open and normally closed breaker
indications disagree.
BKR1 CLOSE CMD.......................................Asserted when close command is executed on breaker 1.
BKR1 CLOSED...............................................Asserted when breaker 1 is closed.
BKR1 DISCREPANCY..................................Asserted when the three poles of the breaker disagree (that is,
when they are not all opened or all closed).
BKR1 INTERMED..........................................Asserted when the breaker is in transition between the opened
and closed states.
BKR1 ONE POLE OPEN.............................Asserted when only one pole of breaker 1 is open.
BKR1 OPEN CMD ........................................Asserted when an open command has been executed on
breaker 1.
BKR1 OPENED..............................................Asserted when breaker 1 is opened.
BKR1 SUBST CLOSED................................Asserted when the status of breaker 1 has been substituted
with a closed indication.
BKR1 SUBST ON..........................................Asserted when breaker status substitution is enabled.
BKR1 SUBST OPENED...............................Asserted when the status of the breaker has been substituted
with an opened indication.
BKR1 TRIP CMD A.......................................Asserted when a close command is executed on pole A of
breaker 1.
BKR1 TRIP CMD B.......................................Asserted when a close command is executed on pole B of
breaker 1.
BKR1 TRIP CMD C.......................................Asserted when a close command is executed on pole C of
breaker 1.
BKR1A BAD STATE......................................Asserted when the normally open and normally closed breaker
indications disagree for pole A of breaker 1.
BKR1A CLOSED............................................Asserted when breaker 1 pole A is closed.
BKR1A INTERMED.......................................Asserted when breaker 1 pole A is in transition between the
opened and closed states.
BKR1A OPENED...........................................Asserted when breaker 1 pole A is opened.
BKR1B BAD STATE......................................Asserted when the normally open and normally closed breaker
indications disagree for pole B of breaker 1.
BKR1B CLOSED............................................Asserted when breaker 1 pole B is closed.
BKR1B INTERMED.......................................Asserted when breaker 1 pole B is in transition between the
opened and closed states.
BKR1B OPENED...........................................Asserted when breaker 1 pole B is opened.
BKR1C BAD STATE......................................Asserted when the normally open and normally closed breaker
indications disagree for pole C of breaker 1.
BKR1C CLOSED............................................Asserted when breaker 1 pole C is closed.
BKR1C INTERMED.......................................Asserted when breaker 1 pole C is in transition between the
opened and closed states.
BKR1C OPENED...........................................Asserted when breaker 1 pole C is opened.
.................................................................The operands listed above are also available for breaker 2.
Breaker failure operands
BKR FAIL 1 RETRIP......................................Asserted upon a breaker failure 1 three-pole trip.